Technical Support

The Coupon Code

The Sprezzatura Platform Coupon Code should be on the inside of your 3-month supplement pack. 

After you have gone through the steps, and you get to the Checkout Page, please make sure to add your code in the Coupon Code section by following the steps below:

  1. Click/Tap the text stating “Click here to enter your coupon code
  2. This will open a field where you can add your Coupon Code (It will look something like this: MySpW67VMUY8F). Make sure to click/tap “Apply“. 
  3. After you have clicked/tapped the “Apply” Button, you should receive a Success message. Please make sure to complete the rest of the checkout information, and do not leave the page until done.
  4. If your Coupon Code is giving any errors, please use the form below for technical support